Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Year 22 Recapped:

Tomorrow is my birthday! Unfortunately, the day will be spent by getting Ryder sent off to preschool in the morning, then heading to work for a 12 hour day, MISSING our first week of indoor volleyball league (bummer!) and finally coming home only to get Ryder to bed and hit the sack myself! We will be celebrating some other night this week, needless to say...

Should we recap the fabulous year of being 22??

....two weeks before I turned 22, I married an amazing man on a beautiful sunny day, life as a newlywed began!
....in october, my best friend got engaged and wedding festivities began all over again :)
....november =good food and GREAT DEALS Christmas shopping, whats not to love!?
....in december we celebrated our first real Christmas as a FAMILY. Our house was hung with Christmas lights, we picked out the perfect Christmas tree from Turck's Trees and Ryder opened his presents on Christmas morning with his whole family, which is super important to me and at times when I can't remember why I try so hard at the relationships that I have to work so hard at for him, it's time like those that make me remember why I do put that effort in..
....january we celebrated new years eve with friends at SOB's --good times!
....february brought a mini-family vaca to Breezy Point: snowmobiling, swimming, family time...
....march was....apparently a boring month??
....april, ryder turns THREE and a trip to the zoo was made!
....may was filled with LANDSCAPING and outside work..
....june was another vacation to ATLANTIC BEACH, NC! To sum it up in one word: heaven.
....july was filled with monday night volleball league in darwin - so much fun and also Starr, our beautiful quarter horse came to live with us!
....august, wedding season once again! congrats kristin and eric--best friend also moved away this month, but a new favorite vacation spot was created --woohoo for key west!
....september so far.... another wedding (congrats elicia and ryan!) and our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (not a fun day, sick as hell), and last weekend was a wonderful trip to Nelson Farm with Ryder and Grandma Janet...This coming weekend is my sister' s bridal shower and possibly a trip to the circus with Ryder! Life is good :)

Overall, a great year -- but 23 is looking wonderful as well! Life is finally calming down which I couldn't be happier about... I look so forward to empty weekends and weekends filled with family stuff. I love being home, I love spending nights in, it's baking season and fall is my favorite time of year!

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