Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I run for firemen.

This weekend is one I've been looking forward to for a long time! Although I really debated about it and hemmed and hawed about it forever, I finally registered for the WOMEN ROCK 10K taking place in St.Paul this Saturday... I'll be running 6.2 miles alongside my sister and some of her friends, as well as my aunt. Since the race is exclusive to women, the only men that will be there will be firefighters from the St.Paul Fire Department Calendar as they give all the finishers of the 10K a women rock pendant with a pink saphire! --Good looking men giving me jewelry just for running? Sign. Me. Up. Oh, did I mention the post-race party and my free champagne flute filled with bubbly? Or the pink running jacket that I will be wearing during my chillier runs this fall? Can't forget those important details! I'll stop now.... :) 

In all seriousness, I'm so excited to finally have another race to look forward to and to give me motivation to keep training. I've been consistent with my running, and I've grown to truly love it. I don't dread my runs anymore and I find myself looking forward to them--typically on Monday nights. The last two weeks have consisted of 7 mile runs. I've even stopped (most of the time) running with headphones in/music on because I found that I can really find peace when I'm on those long runs without it! I've come to realize that I'm probably never going to be a fast runner--and that is just fine with me. I run by feel, not by speed and when I focus too much on checking the good ol' garmin every few minutes, my run becomes that much less enjoyable, so I've learned to simply ignore it. A run is a run is a run! :)  

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