Monday, November 14, 2011

My week....

On my agenda for this week includes:
Tuesday- going into work for a half day (okay, not really that fun, but at least I will get caught up bit by bit)
Wednesday- heading up to St.Cloud (MINUS THE KIDS!!!) with Jen for some Christmas shopping and then hour long massages---going to be simply fabulous :)
Thursday- 6week doctor appointment for me and little miss piper-- I'm excited to see how much she weighs!
Friday- My brother's college basketball team that he plays for is playing at St.Cloud State :) Maybe some apps and a beer afterwards?? I think so!
Saturday- My sister and I will be seeing the highly anticipated BREAKING DAWN-part 1 in theaters!!!!! :) Yes, I am a Twilight fan...Huge fan, actually! I would have NEVER thought I would get into those books but ooohhhhh my gosh they were so good that the minute I started reading them, I couldn't put them down... I've NEVER been a fan of sci-fi or vampires or any of that weird stuff, but seriously, Stephanie Meyer is AMAZING at writing!! So yes, I am ecstatic for the movie!!

So this week is pretty much going to be amazing. Next week is sure to be fabulous as well since it will be Thanksgiving (yum!) and then black friday-- which is pretty much my favorite holiday!!

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