Friday, November 16, 2012


I mean it with all of my heart when I say thank goodness it's friday! Or rather, thank goodness this week is OVER!
The Johnson crew has been hit hard with illness this week. Everywhere I look there is snot flying out of someone's nose, someone is hacking up a lung, or crying. I'm thankful it's over (or at least almost over) and everyone seems to be on the mend today! Just in time for this BEAUTIFUL weather! It has been such a stressful week that I've had to remind myself all that I have to be thankful for... The list is RATHER large, but just to name a few of the positive things that happened this week:

Our new well was put in, meaning we have healthier, cleaner, yummier water! Our well was literally close to 90 years old I think and the water was so rusty and awful. We were blessed to be able to put a brand new well in and everything went so smooth, we couldn't be happier!!

Even though my kids were sick...I got lots and lots of snuggles :)
Which is good, because one thing I did not get lots of was SLEEP  :)

Max and I joined a gym and we are LOVING it! We have continued our love for running for the most part, and now with the sweet treadmills at the gym--there is no excuse to skip the runs! Anyone up for a Turkey Trot?? ;)

This weather is gorgeous. It has motivated us to invest in a HUGE dumpster for the next couple weeks and we've been busy (well, mostly max) cleaning out the barn, getting rid of old junk that was here from the time we moved in to this little farmstead of ours, and continuing to make our dream of someday renovating that big beautiful barn a reality! We are also getting a nice little stable ready for Starr in the barn just in time for the harsh winter months--she will love it :)

My kids are getting healthy again. ---Amen, Amen, Amen!

Caribou Coffee has their HoHo Mint Mochas out. One sip of one last weekend and I may or may not have actually went home and threw in a little Michael Buble Christmas CD :)

I got to have a wonderful little girls night last night crocheting with some of my favorite people ever---"stitch, bitch, and wine" nights are now a weekly event. :)

Oh, did I mention my best friend comes home in a week?!

There are many many many more things that we are thankful for, but for now--back to enjoying this beautiful day!

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