Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our Adventures...

How can you not love fall in Minnesota?! There are many things I don't necessarily love about Minnesota, but fall is definitely not one of them. I haven't been blogging (surprise, surprise) but that is okay because we've been busy taking advantage of this amazing time of year. It's amazing what is right outside your doorstep.... :)
Heading out on Darwin/Dassel Park Trails!

And that hunk of a man, folks, is my hubby.... All flannel shirt and scruffy beard of him! ;)

Again....Fall in Minnesota, is simply amazing.

My handsome little guy leading the way!

Our final destination, where we enjoyed a picnic supper....

And Miss P crawled around and got a little "exercise" in too :)

More to come soon- we've got lots to catch up on these days! 

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