Monday, September 19, 2011

2 blogs in one week-- woah.

Things I currently look forward to: (In no particular order)
…getting to know this little girl who has been causing me discomfort for the last almost 9 months! J
…one day being able to enjoy a piping hot white chocolate mocha (NOT DECAF) anytime I please without feeling guilty or having to count the carbs!
…walking without waddling- it just doesn’t look good on anyone
…brisk winter workouts! (Gotta get that pre-baby body back!)
… sleeping on my back, or stomach, or in any position for that matter (although, yes, I realize my sleep will be limited due to having a newborn!)
…being able to ENJOY fall/winter baking because I know I will actually be able to EAT what I bake!
… actually going shopping and looking for stuff for ME and not just the kids!
…having time off with my new little one and Ryder!
…ho ho mint mochas from Starbucks, it won’t be long before they are back and OOHHHH am I excited!
…the holidays! (Halloween, Thanksgiving, baking, Christmas shopping, Christmas—the whole nine yards!)
…continuing our house projects and saving up for some bigger purchases we’d love to make! (a new fridge, new table, decorations, etc)
…pampering myself these last few weeks before baby comes! (Can you say hair appointment, pedicures, soaking in the bath—um, yes please!!)

Things I don’t so much look forward to:
…sleep deprivation
…poopy diapers and dirty bottles to be cleaned 24/7
…looking pregnant, but not actually being pregnant!
…bad winter weather, including bad driving conditions (not a fan)
…my husband spending the next 4 months or so with his life revolving around fantasy football (also, not a fan)
…trying to catch up at work after maternity leave

Life must be pretty good when my 'looking forward to' list exceeds the 'not looking forward to' list!! :)

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