Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ohhhhh Starr....

Taking care of my horse is very similar to that of a dog. It's true. For instance, this afternoon (beautiful outside!!) I came home from work, headed out to Star's pasture where she happily greeted me at the gate and gave me a low whinny... I opened up the gate, snapped on a lead rope, and brought her into the front yard to let her mow down on all the grass her little heart desires since the grass in her pasture is pretty much depleted (don't worry, she gets plenty of hay to make up for this!). I then brushed her for a bit and headed inside to start some laundry and clean my house before the monster (aka: Ryder) got home... Every once in a while I would peek out the front window and there Starr would be, just happily chomping away in front of the house. About an hour and half later it dawned on me that it was begiinning to get dark outside and I stepped out on the front porch and there was Starr, just kind of hanging out right by the steps like, ummm shouldn't I be put back in my fence now?! She's kind of cute sometimes, as slow and as old as she is - at least she is loyal :)

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