Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little P.... not so little anymore! My sweet baby girl celebrated her 9 month birthday a few days ago on July 5.

At 9 mos, Little P ...
-weighs in at 19lbs, 13oz (66 percentile) -healthy baby!
-has 4 teeth, including her 2 new top (buck) teeth
-eats every 4-5 hours (6-8oz)
-is crawling around like crazy! She thinks she is quite sneaky and is quite the escape artist.
-loves to be around people. She is so content to be in a big crowd and adapts so well.
-has recently found her tongue- and is in love with it. It's constantly out and she looks SO silly with it sticking out on the far side of her mouth like a little doggy :)
-speaking of dogs.... she is absolutely OBSESSED with dogs and literally like hyperventilates w/ excitement when a dog lets her pet them. She just squeals with delight!
-loves to stand and walk all around the furniture, she will be walking in no time!
-gives the biggest smiles to people she knows
-recently got to take in her first parade for Watercade....She was more interested in playing in the shade w/ daddy though :)
-loves little puff snacks and yogurt melts, she has gotten so good at picking them up and putting them in her mouth
-it never fails that she will light up for great grandma betty in church on Sundays.
-says "ma ma", "da da", "bye", "la la", "ba ba" and "dog" (or at least her version of it) --she is quite the chatty Kathy
-is a great sleeper. Goes down to bed around 8, up between 6:30-7:30am - and naps twice a day (usually from 9-11 and 2:30-4:30) give or take....
- she loves to take baths and even sometimes enjoys playing in the lake
-as of very recently, she has become a huge daddy's girl. She will literally crawl over to him and wrap her whole body around his lake until he picks her up and will reach out of my arms to his everytime! (little stinker!)
-she likes to sing along when you sing to her
-no one can make her laugh the way her big brother can! They are the best of pals :)

We are so thankful for little miss P!

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