Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crazy?? Maybe.... Desperate?? ....Absolutely.

Definition of Crazy: Registering and paying a $50 entry fee for a 7K race (4.35 miles) when it has been AT LEAST one full year (give or take) since I last ran……… And by run, I mean jog- because I am by no means, a fast “runner”….These short stubby legs of mine really don’t get me far. Literally.

Um, yeah. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve done recently, but my sister provided me with an opportunity to run the “Get Lucky” 7k race along with our aunt Karen, and for some reason, I felt compelled to do so. So I signed up. And now I am already stressing over it because I really have not been running at all lately. Not to mention that even when I was running fairly regularly with my friend Becky before I got pregnant with Piper, the most I ever really ran at one time was about 3 1/2-miles… Not 4.35 miles. The race takes place on St. Patrick’s day, and the bright side is that after you finish, you get a free beer from your choice of 3 Irish pubs downtown :) I’m not Irish, but I like the color green, and I like free beer, so how bad can it be, right??

Anyway, I don’t expect to do well, whatsoever, but my ultimate and only goal is just to finish the damn thing. I am not going to stress over having to walk for part of the time (because I know I will probably have to) but I know the overall feeling of accomplishment will be so worth it, not to mention the statement I will be making to this stubborn baby fat that does not want to go away!! To be honest, if I didn’t think I could run the entire thing, I normally wouldn’t sign up for the race at all, because that’s just how I am-- but thanks to a refreshing convo this morning with my bestie, Kristin, I’m willing to try it. She just completed her first 5K down in Key West… She made me realize that it doesn’t have to be pretty, you just have to do it. :) Needless to say, I will be running tonight ….

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