Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finally... A Vacation!!

...well, sort of! After debating for a LONG time whether or not we should/could do a vacation this year, an opportunity came to us that we decided was too good to pass up. Through family (Ryder's grandparents) we were able to spend an entire week up at Breezy Point Resort this past week. It was just the type of vacation we were looking for (although I admit I would have preferred to go somewhere warm!!). We wanted to go somewhere that was kid friendly and not too expensive, and Breezy was perfect. We shared a condo with my sister and her boyfriend Nate, which was nice because we could kind of take turns taking care of Ryder every once in a while... We basically fell into a routine every day of waking up, making breakfast/lounging, going to the swimming pool (where Ryder was OBSESSED with a waterslide there that he had to go down all by himself!) working out, eating lunch back at the condo, and then NAPTIME (which we all participated in, of course) and then doing some snowmobiling, tourist type stuff, and shopping in the afternoons. As far as the shopping family is lucky that I didn't make it to Nissawa to shop at all their little shops until the afternoon of the last full day we were there. If I had found out how FABULOUS they were earlier in the week, I'm afraid I would not have spent too much time on the resort as I am now officially obsessed with those little stores! I WILL be taking another trip back for the shopping when it warms up! Overall, the whole trip was so much fun, we hope to be able to go back for another week this summer...unless of course I can convince my husband to take us to my FAVORITE place on earth, Bozeman, Montana!!! (I have been dying to get back there, it's been almost three years :( ....maybe someday!

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