It's been a while since I've posted any updates of #3. Rest assured he is still baking away in this (not so) little oven of mine.... Tomorrow marks 34 weeks of pregnancy which means we are getting close, hallelujah. I really can't complain, I have enjoyed this pregnancy (minus a few setbacks) but of course I am ready to meet this little guy.
Last time I posted about the baby we had just had our gender reveal and discovered he was, in fact, a little "guy". We are still thrilled about having a boy and yes, we do have a name picked out so far-- with a backup in our pocket just in case! Since then, a few things have happened. For one, I was diagnosed again with gestational diabetes. I wasn't totally surprised since I knew once you've had it with one pregnancy, your chances of having it again with another pregnancy were fairly high, but it was still a bummer. I was determined, however, to make it work this time without any meds or insulin but unfortunately that wasn't the case either as my hormones just wouldn't allow my body to properly do what it is supposed to do. About a week or two after finding out my testing results, I was put on insulin. Today I take a fast-acting insulin shot 3 times a day before each meals, and one slow-acting insulin shot before bed. In addition to this, I test my blood sugar on a meter 4 times a day, once right away when I wake up and then an hour after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I follow a 'gestational diabetes' diet where I count carbs at every meal and journal them everyday for my dietician to look over every week/two weeks. I exercise (usually just walking outside, or prenatal yoga/pilates) almost everyday for 30 mins, and try to drink water like it's going out of style. The diet I follow is not hard, but it does take a little effort to learn and get used to. The main thing is that to keep my blood sugar from crashing and going too low, or too high, I have to eat fairly consistently every 2-3 hours. Sometimes life gets in the way and I forget to eat. When that happens, my blood sugar goes too low and I get super fidgety, extremely hot and sweaty, shaky, irritable, and dizzy. I know right away when it starts to go low and I can usually bring myself back up to a normal range by having something with sugar in it right away. Basically, I have to pack an adult diaper bag everywhere I go. I have to have snacks that are within my carb limits, water bottles, and all my testing supplies everywhere I go. Not the end of the world, but certainly something I am ready to be done with. I'm fortunate to be able to know that at the end of this pregnancy, the chances of all this going away within 6-8 weeks after I deliver is in my favor... I know too many people with diabetes who can't say the same so I try not to complain about it too much. With that being said, I also know that my risk of developing type-2 diabetes at some point later in life is up to 60% more likely now since I've had gestational diabetes as compared to someone who hasn't and so those thoughts are usually running around in the back of my mind as well.... All the more motivation to eat clean and keep working out after baby is born I guess! :)
As for everything else, baby is looking great. We had another ultrasound a few weeks back to check on a few things and everything was right on track. Baby was measuring right around the 50th percentile and we got a few really good pics of him. Meeker Memorial now has 3d ultrasound equipment as well so every once in a while we get to get a sneak peak of what this little guy looks like, his features, etc. We think he is quite handsome, of course :) He is a really active baby most of the time and is always wiggling around. Ryder and Piper love to feel his kicks and are both really excited! Our next doctor appointment is next week at 35 weeks and then we will go weekly from that point on which will hopefully make this last month or so go by quickly!
Until then, we are enjoying the last bit of our time as a family of four! We just had the busiest and best memorial day weekend and were able to relax, spend time at the cabin, get some yard work done, and visit with many friends and family at various parties :)
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