Since staying at home full-time is new to me, I get asked frequently how I am enjoying it.
My answer is usually, "I.Love.It."
I never intended to be a stay at home mom, it was never in my plan. I loved every minute of college, and I've always considered myself to be career driven. That plan was great, for awhile. Until I started feeling like I was constantly putting more work into OTHER people's lives and families, than my own. I loved working, but I couldn't help but start to feel overwhelmed with being at a job that emotionally demanded more out of me than I could handle some days, and then coming home to two children who quite frankly didn't care what kind of day I had- they just wanted a good meal, some playtime, and maybe a bath here and there ;) Oh, and there is a husband who needed a little attention here and there also! So this year, my 'job title became "simply mom" --(is that an oxymoron??) :)
--I'll also be honest that before I stayed home, I always kind of wondered what SAHM's did all day. Certainly they had time to hit up the gym, get manis and pedis, keep up with the local coffee shop crowd while frequenting the Gap on a day to day basis, right?? Well, I quickly found it's not as glamorous as I probably once thought! Well, maybe it would be if money was no concern, but let's be real! Here's a quick play by play of what my day usually consists of....
We usually invite guests for breakfast, and by guests I mean any 'little people' she can get her hands on. |
After breakfast, P usually gets to watch one cartoon while mom attempts to get ready for the day. Her favorite these days is Caillou, or Superwhy. |
Then we are off and running errands for the day, visiting Papa Steve at the post office when we can :) |
And we take naps....and by we, I mean her.... :) |
Oh, did I forget to mention we spend a vast majority of our time on the potty? She usually averages 2-3 successful pee pee's on the potty per day, so she's learning! |
Well something has to keep us entertained while we are in the bathroom........ |
Oh, and pants are negotiable at our house. There are no rules during potty training :) |
Then finally, these goofballs come home and expect some type of edible food in their bellies. (I'm still working on the 'edible' part of this equation! ;)) |
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