I had planned for today to be a great day. It was Monday, yes, but good old' Christopher Columbus was going to pull through for me and allow my husband to be home with P and I today since Max didn't have to work. I had visions of us having a great time together, being super productive, kicking ass and taking names getting stuff done around the house, and just having one of those awesome days.
It didn't exactly pan out quite like that.
I woke up disappointed that I was still in quite a bit of pain from a running injury that happened early LAST week. I had been to the chiropractor and although most of the pain had been taken away, my left calf was still very weak for the most part and I knew the best thing would be to just accept the fact that although I desperately NEED to be training right about now, it needed rest to heal. I told myself that over and over as I continued to wait for the day when I woke up and it would feel back to normal. Unfortunately today wasn't the day, but I did have a follow up appointment at the chiropractor already scheduled so I went in and expressed my frustrations to the doc. I still had some resistance/swelling in my calf and because of the way things had shifted since last week, I was also having a lot of knee pain. My chiropractor adjusted me, listened to me whine and complain about how my race is NEXT weekend, and again told me to stay off of it for another day or so and then try to ease back into some short runs depending on how it was feeling at that point. I was really sore after leaving the chiro, but I am hopeful and excited about the fact that very late this afternoon, I noticed that I was able to walk around the house without noticing any pain in my leg. Either way, I am bummed at the thought of this race coming up. The farthest I have gone to date is 10 miles which really isn't terrible but now after a full week off from any type of cardio at all, I feel behind and inadequate once again. My head was not in the game during the last few months of training. Clearly, my body wasn't quite on board with this idea either as this is the 2nd time I've been held up due to calf/knee/hip injuries in the last two months. I am so excited for this race to be over (although I know it will be fun and I'm sure I will be glad that I did it!) so I can give my body a nice long break from pounding pavement. My gym will throw open it's doors in excitement to see me, because well, it's been a while. I will greet the elliptical machine with a big fat kiss. Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. I will give my body a well deserved break from running -- only of course until I realize how much I miss it when Spring rolls around ;)
Anyway, my day was not exactly as I had pictured it would be because of my running frustrations putting me in a bad mood. Combine that with the fact that my husband is quite positive he has strep throat (again) and really didn't feel great in addition to the fact that it rained for the better part of the day really made this Monday a flop. We did manage to run a few errands, but not much else. Oh well I guess! On a more positive note, I did make this stellar quinoa salad tonight and it's pretty delish if I do say so myself! It makes plenty to munch on throughout the week and it's packed with protein and yummy goodness. I found the recipe here:
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