Sunday, August 8, 2010


Holy Shit - I really have NEGLECTED this blog for a long time, but honestly if you knew how BUSY this familia has been you would understand, hands down. Let me just TRY to catch you all up to speed on as much as I can think back to... Probably the most exciting news that we have is that STAR, our BEAUTIFUL and SWEET registered quarter horse is finally settled in here with our family! She has been such a joy to have around, honestly, she is so calm mannered and sweet we've just fallen in love with her. Once it FINALLY cooled off tonight, we were able to saddle her up again for another ride and even Ryder got to take a little stroll on her! :)

What else.... I have been GONE way too much lately for work -- in the cities for a few days two weeks ago and then spent three days this past week in Duluth for a youth conference with some of the boys in our program. I HATE being away from home for work, so needless to say, I was not impressed. Not in the least.

On a positive note, I HAVE A NEW NEPHEW!!!! Max's brother and his wife just had their new baby boy, Zane Preston on July 27th. He is doing really well and we were able to go visit him at his home this afternoon :) I forgot how tiny newborns are, he was so precious! Awwweee babies! :)

My best friend is getting married in TWO weeks!! Can't wait for the wedding but will be sad to see them leave for Florida a few days after the wedding -- good thing my husband has already been checking plane tickets for me in October--woohoo! After that is another wedding of one of my longtime friends, Elicia, and then my sisters wedding in November -- I will be happy if I never have to squeeze my ass in a bridesmaid dress for a LONG time :)

Okay, I know there is more to update but for now, mommyhood calls and Ryder needs to go to bed...

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