Sunday, May 16, 2010

.....Wedding Bells Are Ringing!!!

Let me start this blog first by wishing my sister and her new "fiance", Nate, CONGRATULATIONS on their engagement!!!! FINALLY....IT'S ABOUT TIME ;) Mellissa and Nate have been dating for a little over three years and Nate just proposed to Mellissa on Saturday--we couldn't be happier!! Of course, I got excited right away and it didn't take me long to get 100% in wedding mode.... Within hours, I had her surfing wedding websites and chatting up plans -- we even found a HUGE bargain on a BEAUTIFUL wedding dress, and we even ordered it!! Yes, that seems a little crazy, but that's how I roll ;) As of now, they are currently talking about having a DESTINATION WEDDING, possibly as early as MEA of this year, so mid-October....Very exciting, and even better, it means I have yet ANOTHER vacation to look forward to other than our Atlantic Beach trip which is coming up in the end of June... Again, Congratulations Mellissa and Nate!!

The rest of our weekend was just as amazing... The weather was GORGEOUS which made me soooooooo happy!! We were able to spend ALL of our time outside as a family. Saturday morning I went to Babe's Blossoms, a nursery outside of Cosmos/Hector area, and wow. It is now my new FAVORITE nursery! They had soooooo much stuff, and such a great selection! It ended up being a spendy trip, but I consider plants an investment for our house, so that's okay ;) So, approximately two carts full of wonderful perinnials and shrubs later, I was one happy girl... Ryder and I spent the rest of our day hanging out with my mom since it was her birthday! Max was off doing his own thing since it was fishing opener and turkey hunting this weekend, blah. Then came today, Sunday....Although we didn't make it to church (oops), it was what I would consider very close to being the PERFECT day! For majority of the afternoon, if you would have driven by my house, you would have seen this mommy laying out soaking up the sun in some lawn chairs, a little blue eyed blonde running around screaming and giggling running through a sprinkler, and my shirtless husband puttsing around the house doing who knows what...What a great day!

We also have quite a few new additions to the johnson farm :) However, it is with great sadness that I announce the death of our beloved kitty, OJ. OJ was tragically killed during an unfortuante (yet accidental) car accident. (Okay, so my brother ran the poor little thing over). However, only minutes later it was discovered that our OTHER cat (who I could have sworn was a MALE all this time) suddenly gave birth to SIX, repeat SIX, new baby kitties!! So, within a matter of minutes, we went from two cats, down to one, and then up to SEVEN within a time span of approximately one hour! Also, tonight, we added three new little baby ducklings to our family :) Welcome, Fatso (named by Max, he's so rude.), Daffy and Donald! They will fit in nicely with our baby chics that will be arriving soon..... According to my husband, baby lambs will be joining us soon as well! --There is also the prospect of a horse joining the farm in the future, Max just doesn't know that yet ;)

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