Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cowboy take me away....

I'm kind of obsessed with the Pioneer Woman (aka- Ree Drummond). I heard about her blog a LONG time ago and started poking around her website because there is SO much to explore. I love her photography, her food, her show on the food network, and basically, I enjoy living vicariously through her. In a different life, I think I would love to be a rancher's wife. (Minus the being in the middle of nowhere factor). The horses on her ranch are stunning, and I can only imagine how peaceful it is to look outside your window and see miles and miles of wide open land. I also wouldn't mind looking out at her cowboy hunk of a husband from time to time. Seriously, he is yummy. Recently I read her book, From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. It was an easy read, and who doesn't love a good love story every now and then?!
Anyway, the reason for my post is my lunch which is sitting in front of me. A couple weeks ago I decided to try her chicken spaghetti recipe in her first cookbook. It was amazing. I don't usually like my pasta 'baked' after being cooked, but this was so  good I didn't even mind. It's pretty simple with just pasta, chicken, cream of mushroom, pimentos, green peppers, and cheese and more tasty ingredients all thrown together. I added mushrooms, because if it was up to me, sauteed mushrooms would be included in EVERY meal. :) As I was making the dish however, I realized that her big family eats much more than my little family does. So, I was left with half the dish to freezse, which worked out great to unthaw and warm up in the oven for a quick lunch on this dreary cloudy day. You can find the recipe here
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

miss me??

yep, it's been a while. Wish I had a better excuse, but the fact of the matter is, I've just been lazy and work has been somewhat exhausting lately, which means the last thing I care to do when I get home and have a free minute is to sit on the computer and type.... Today is an exception, because the hubby is sick so he hit the sack early, and me...I'm still trucking along, so here I go-

Gosh, so much I've missed--where to begin?! This past weekend was St.Patty's day. I did all the right things for a successful st.patty's day-- I wore green, I finished my very first 7K run in Minneapolis, and then I partied the DAY away in the cities. At one point in time, I was even watching Rugby while drinking an irish beer. (Is rugby an irish thing?? Now that I typed that, I'm not sure....oh well) Anyway, the day was a success and we had so. much. fun. I think I smell a new tradition starting ;)

My little boy had kindergarten roundup tonight, so he is just pumped. He got to meet his two potential teachers and check out the school. He is getting so old... Next month he turns 5! He is currently still very much into baseball. He loves the move "sandlot" and he and his cousins reenact the movie quite often from what I'm told. When his mind is not on baseball or movies, he is outside. He has grown to love the art of 'putsing' around like his stepfather, and most of the time, I really have no idea what he is doing outside. I do know, however, it usually involves wheels. He is constantly asking to ride either his bike (no training wheels!), his dirtbike, or his four-wheeler. If there is mud outside, you can bet he is whipping shittys in our driveway (with the proper safety equiptment, of course!) and trying his hardest to get CAKED in mud. ......boys!

Little P is not so little anymore either.... She will be 6months old soon, yikes! She is so stinkin' cute. There is just no denying it. She's a little ham, and for the most part, she is a smiley little girl who loves to giggle and talk when she feels she has something valuable to add to the conversation. However, she has her moments. Actually, she has her hours! Everyday from about 5:30-7:30, she is super fussy/needy. Its the point in time where she actually could use a little nap, but she refuses one, and so it's just not a very pleasant time. With this new beautiful weather we've had lately, it's been super nice because I plunk her in her stroller and she just gets strolled along in our yard as I help daddy do yard work and it seems to calm her. That, and the moby wrap, have been my saving grace! Without them, I would probably never get anything done...

Max is sick, at the moment with a bad head cold, so he's pretty much miserable. Other than that, he's been busy with yardwork and house projects, and getting things finalized for our deck, which will hopefully be started soon :) He's running alot lately since he and some friends signed up for the Grandma's 1/2 Marathon in Duluth this summer! So proud of my man!

As for me, I'm just giddy. Giddy about the fact that we have some nice springy weather (minus this week, not that nice), giddy about the fact that Hunger Games comes out this weekend (if you haven't read the series, do yourself a favor, and please do) and giddy about the fact that....Oh yeah, I will be seeing my best friend in less than a month!! I'm flying to Key West in mid-april and I'm so excited I can't even wrap my head around it.. It'll just be for a long weekend, because I would go crazy for any longer without my babies, but I really am looking forward to taking in Key West, running an earth day 5k with kris, and just enjoying my bestie once again.. :) Seriously friends, life is good :)
Enjoy your day!