Saturday, October 29, 2011 with piper grace

has been a whirlwind! I forgot how time flies with a newborn... My little girl will be ONE MONTH old next week already--seriously?? I also forgot how exhausting life with a baby is... I'm thankful to say that so far, Piper is a real champ when it comes to sleeping. Although not always perfect, she usually sleeps really well and at most, is up twice during the night, which really isn't too bad for us, but still takes its toll over time. She is really starting to get a personality now, since she is awake so much more during the day. We tend to call her our little drama queen as when she is upset, she really tends to dramatize the whole ordeal -- but hey, she is a 'hendrickson woman', so what can I say?? :) (She gets that from her aunt, not her mother!!) Piper also has some stomach sensitivity stuff going on, so that also tends to make her a little more cranky than usual sometimes, but we have gotten a decent handle on that so far, so life is good lately :)
Ryder continues to adjust, but for the most part, he is just full of love for his little sister. He is such a blessing around here and is so helpful! I can't believe how "grown" he is sometimes and it blows my mind that he will be in kindergarden by this time next fall.... Where to send him to school continues to be a decision we struggle with. Litchfield and Dassel-Cokato are both great schools, and more than likely, it will come down to where transportation will be easiest... Currently, he continues to attend Mighty Dragons Preschool and he absolutely loves his class and his teachers. Everyday he comes home, and although he doesn't expand too much on what he does when you ask him, throughout the day, bits and peices of things he is learning seeps out: songs, poems, etc... He is at such a fun age right now, I just want to bottle up everything he says that makes me smile. Last night he was fortunate enough to have a sleepover with his grandma, and today his dad is taking him to Nelson Farm. Our family has been SO wonderful at helping us out, especially by taking Ryder for some 'alone time' now and then, because it is so important for him to have that time... He/We are so blessed to have the huge and supportive family that we have... Other things he loves at the moment are superheroes, action figures, stickers and drawing, his fourwheeler and dirtbike, and hunting. Ahhh the life of a boy!!
As for Max and I.... Well, we are tired, but in a good way. Looking forward to the day when little Piper decides to start sleeping through the night! Max spends his days at the bank, and his evenings either at home with us, or in his deer stand waiting for that big buck ;) Ryder LOVES to go hunting with him and sit in the deer stand.. The fact that Max can share this love for being outdoors with Ryder makes me so happy. Only a man with the patience that my husband has would be willing to invite his 4 year old out hunting night after night during what is sometimes his only 'alone time' during the day... I love that man.
My day is spent with the kids! Our mornings usually consist of getting Ryder up and ready for preschool (who am I kidding, he usually wakes ME up!), cleaning our 'impossible to keep clean now that we have two kids' house, catching up on laundry, meeting up with friends and family for playdates, and also napping ;) These days are limited though, as come December I will be heading back to work... I don't love the idea of being away all day from Piper and Ryder, but I have come to realize that I genuinely enjoy working outside of the home, and for now, working the school schedule (and only 4 days a week) is the perfect balance for me... Although as soon as I start back, I'm sure I will be looking forward to summer break!!
Speaking of looking forward to... this girl is ready for the holidays!! I actually got a good start on my Christmas shopping yesterday and I am waiting for my 'baking itch' to kick in... After dealing with gestational diabetes for the past few months, I kind of lost my love for baking because I couldn't eat much of what I baked since my blood sugar didn't tolerate it, and the idea of baking and having lots of tempting sweets in the house still doesn't seem like a good idea as I still have a bit of baby weight to lose before I am back down to prebaby weight... Being able to exercise again in a couple weeks should help with that and I am just praying that I can get rid of all the sickness that I've been dealing with for the past few months by the time that time comes. If I can complain for a minute, I will say that I am MISERABLE dealing with a horrible cough/cold/sinus infection/headaches/sore throat, and I've had it since August! I haven't had a voice the past few days which is also very frustrating... Okay, I'm done with the pity party, but you probably haven't heard the end of it, so beware-- there may be more in the future!
And for now, motherhood is calling once again, as Piper is stirring and is going to need a bottle soon-- maybe I will find some motivation this weekend to post some pictures, although don't hold your breath-- my to-do list is long and doesn't seem to be dissappearing anytime soon! Hope you are all enjoying these beautfiul fall days! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Around this time one week ago....

I was sitting at ACMC clinic waiting to be checked over by the doctor and looked at Max and said, "We are NOT supposed to be here-- we need to be across the street at the hospital!!!" .... Approximately 4 hours later, our new sweet little addition to our family was brought into the world (in a rather interesting fashion, but we can talk about that later :))
At 1:45 pm on 10.5.2011- Piper Grace Johnson was born and we have since found ourselves completely head over heels in love with her! She has the prettiest full head of dark hair, tiniest little features, dark deep blue eyes, and is a peanut, weighing in at 7lbs 3oz... She is absolutely perfect, I think we'll keep her ;)
I'm not the only fan of her.... Her big brother Ryder is sliding into his roll quite nicely. He loves to show off his baby 'sissy' and currently as I type, he is entertaining Piper by playing "this little piggy"... Of course, he has some adjustments to make, but we're working through those and it will just take some time...
We delivered Piper at Meeker Memorial Hospital and this is my shoutout to my small town hospital: we enjoyed our stay completely and had some of the best nurses/doctors I could have ever asked for... From the time we checked in to the time we checked out with our new little babe, we were treated fabulously. Our room was beautiful, big, and spacious - the nurse's were constantly checking to make sure we were doing okay - and overall we were just really pleased with our experience...
Since being home we have somewhat settled into a routine.. With the exception of the first couple nights, Piper has done so well sleeping, only waking up to eat every 2-3 hours and then falling right back to sleep... She loves to snuggle up with her mommy in the wee hours of the morning, and sleeps on and off all day, which means she has a lot of growing to do! She is pretty mild tempered, but will definitely let you know when she's not happy (example: diaper changes). She eats like a champ and although I started out exclusively nursing, I have since switched to pumping only and also supplementing with formula... I will save my thoughts on this for another blog though- because I could go on forever! The point is, Piper Grace is doing great, we are happy to be home and settled, and can't wait to get to know this little girl who has turned our lives upside down-- in a good way, of course!!