Monday, September 26, 2011

Yep... Still Preggo

I will be 38 weeks on Friday and I. Am. Still. Pregnant. I wouldn’t be so surprised, after all, I do still have a little over 2 weeks until my due date, but this weekend was rough. There were more than a couple occasions where we felt like any moment we would be heading to the hospital, and yet here I sit, still pregnant, still huge, and still wondering when the heck this little girl is going to decide to grace me with her presence.

Let’s back up a little bit… Last Tuesday I saw my doctor for my routine checkup and she decided to check me to see how things were going ‘down there’. I wasn’t too surprised to find out that I was dilated to 2cm and was about 50% effaced… I had been SO uncomfortable that I just knew something had to have been going on and so wasn’t very surprised, but it made me wonder how much longer this baby was going to hold out for, and how far I would get dilated on my own before ‘real labor’ kicked in… After my appointment, I headed over to the hospital to begin a “non-stress test” and biophysical profile for the babe… It was actually kind of fun as I didn’t know what to expect (they only do these for high-risk pregnancies or pregnancies with diabetes so I’ve never had one before) but it was so fun to see little one once again on the ultrasound screen where they tested her on a bunch of different things and to see how she responds in her environment. Then I had to go up to one of the labor and delivery rooms and get comfy in the bed and get hooked up to a monitor to record the baby’s heartbeat. Everytime the baby moved inside of me, I had to push a button, which made a mark on the monitor sheet and they checked to make sure that the baby’s heartbeat increases when she moves around. It was nice to be able to check out the rooms since the hospital has been completely redone since I had Ryder but I did get butterflies in my stomach laying in the L&D room hooked up to the monitor because it made me realize that I will be back there soon for the real deal! Which, like I was saying earlier, we really thought was going to be this weekend. Friday night was AWFUL and I *may* have overdone it just a touch with some cleaning projects that I wanted to get done around the house (can you say, nesting??) and I was exhausted when it was time for bed…. However, I was up all night with horrible back pain and lots of cramping/contractions. I knew I wasn’t in labor as the contractions were very sporadic and the pain never intensified, it just remained constant, and annoying. I couldn’t sleep through it at all, so I was up for the most part, all night. I finally got a few hours of sleep in the early morning before Ryder woke up and for the most part (other than many annoying Braxton hicks contractions) Saturday was like every other day. We had a great time at my nephew Gus’s 7th birthday party and although Max and I were exhausted, we were so glad we went! It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun playing and running around like always… The rest of the weekend I felt pretty good so yesterday Ryder and I spent the day with his great-grandma, grandma Janet, Auntie Lissa, and great-aunt Karen and cousin, Sarah. We checked out a couple of local orchards around the cold spring area and just enjoyed another beautiful day together…

Today, Monday, although I am slightly bummed out that I am not home recovering with a newborn, I must say that I feel the best that I have felt in a LONG time. My chiropractor visits have finally paid off because I am not so sore/uncomfortable anymore and I got a good night of sleep last night, which helps tremendously! This week looks like another mild week full of sunny days and high temps! Other than 3 doctor/diabetes/nst appointments this week, I am SO looking forward to Wednesday as some of my closest girl friends and I are getting together for probably the last time before I am tied down to a newborn! Can’t wait—love you girls!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

2 blogs in one week-- woah.

Things I currently look forward to: (In no particular order)
…getting to know this little girl who has been causing me discomfort for the last almost 9 months! J
…one day being able to enjoy a piping hot white chocolate mocha (NOT DECAF) anytime I please without feeling guilty or having to count the carbs!
…walking without waddling- it just doesn’t look good on anyone
…brisk winter workouts! (Gotta get that pre-baby body back!)
… sleeping on my back, or stomach, or in any position for that matter (although, yes, I realize my sleep will be limited due to having a newborn!)
…being able to ENJOY fall/winter baking because I know I will actually be able to EAT what I bake!
… actually going shopping and looking for stuff for ME and not just the kids!
…having time off with my new little one and Ryder!
…ho ho mint mochas from Starbucks, it won’t be long before they are back and OOHHHH am I excited!
…the holidays! (Halloween, Thanksgiving, baking, Christmas shopping, Christmas—the whole nine yards!)
…continuing our house projects and saving up for some bigger purchases we’d love to make! (a new fridge, new table, decorations, etc)
…pampering myself these last few weeks before baby comes! (Can you say hair appointment, pedicures, soaking in the bath—um, yes please!!)

Things I don’t so much look forward to:
…sleep deprivation
…poopy diapers and dirty bottles to be cleaned 24/7
…looking pregnant, but not actually being pregnant!
…bad winter weather, including bad driving conditions (not a fan)
…my husband spending the next 4 months or so with his life revolving around fantasy football (also, not a fan)
…trying to catch up at work after maternity leave

Life must be pretty good when my 'looking forward to' list exceeds the 'not looking forward to' list!! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Poor Neglected Blog...

Yeah, so it’s been like 6 weeks or so since I’ve blogged….Surprised?? I didn’t think so. Me either.. Anyways, there has been SO MUCH going on that I’ve thought about blogging all of our updates like a million times but to actually sit down and take the time to do it just has not happened. So that leads me to blogging now, at work, on my lunch break for lack of better things to do. I’ll warn you, this will probably get pretty long…Like I said, lots of updates.

From a pregnancy standpoint, I am 36 weeks along now and am SO READY TO BE DONE!! This pregnancy has not been easy… In my last blog I talked about being able to control my gestational diabetes with just diet alone but that only ended up working out for a couple weeks. After that, these crazy hormones of mine took over and all of my blood sugar levels started going too high and I was put on an oral med to help lower them. Well, that too was short lived and finally I was put on insulin. For someone who hates needles, this was a big deal but honestly by the time they put me on insulin I was just so ready to find something that works that I just went with it. It has worked out okay so far. I have to inject myself with insulin before each meal and am still checking my blood sugar one hour after every meal, so my life is surrounded by blood, needles, and carb counting. Ohhhh the joys! I know I shouldn’t complain because for some people, they will do this everyday for the rest of their lives and mine should *hopefully* go away after my pregnancy is over, but it is still not fun to do or to have to think about 24/7. On a happier note, we had another ultrasound at 33 weeks to make sure that my placenta had moved up away from the cervix and it had- which is good news! It was so fun to see how much bigger our little one had gotten from our 20 week ultrasound…. With the diabetes one of the big concerns is that babies get too big, but our little girl was measuring right on target in the 50th percentile for weight/growth so that was kind of a relief for us… She is still a very active baby although I can definitely tell that there is not much room left in my belly for her as her movement is much more restricted… I also had been getting a lot of Braxton hicks contractions so at my last appointment my doctor checked me and decided that I should be taken off exercise for 2 weeks and was told to “take it easy” because I had started thinning quite a bit and she didn’t want me to start dialating… No big deal really, but it did really bum me out as exercise does so much for me, both physically and mentally. I had grown to love my prenatal yoga classes and dvds, zumba classes, and walks, but for now they have all been put on hold. Hopefully I can resume some of them in the next week or so (at least the yoga and walking) because they make me feel so much better, but if not I just need to keep telling myself that I just need to make it four more weeks (or 3 weeks, depending on if they decide to do an induction at 39 weeks!)---hopefully time goes by fast!

September has been a busy month for us! Recently, Max and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary! We didn’t do anything too special, just had ourselves a nice little date night which included shopping and eating, of course. I really can’t believe it’s already been 2 full years since our wedding… 2 years later and I’m still glad I said “I do” :) -- Also recently was the start of school! Ryder was so excited to go back to preschool with “Miss Julie” and he is always talking about his new little friends in class. I think he is happy to have that routine back in his life, and I must say that his mommy is too, in a way… I started back to work for the school year and so far have been very happy about it! My job is not always one where you get to see instant gratification, but when you do, it’s very worth it… Plus, it has been a good distraction for me for these last few weeks before the baby comes! :)

Okay, enough updates for now…Time to get back to work and then head home for the day!